Research > Currently Funded Projects
Emerging Strategic Research Theme
Centre for Communication Disorders
Research Laboratories
Currently Funded Projects
Research Publications
Investigator Research Project Name Grant Name Project period Budget


The role of similarities between L1 and L2 with respect to written word form and orthography-phonology correspondence in L2 visual word processing





Capturing the heterogeneity of developmental dyslexia in Chinese through behavioural profiles and event-related potentials (ERP) measures





Investigating Prognosis and Risk Factors of Speech Sound Disorder: A Natural History Study using A Survival Analysis approach




S Tong

Becoming a skilled comprehender in both Chinese and English: Prosodic sensitivity and working memory in bilingual children’s reading comprehension development




LW A pilot study on the effects of hearing aid use on cognitive function in older adults with hearing impairment FRF  2014 20,000
EY Professor Shirley Grundy Memorial Fund Professor Shirley Grundy Memorial Fund 2014- $25,000
PSW Acoustic cues for Cantonese tone perception FRF  2014-2015 $30,000
PSW HKU SPACE Research Fund
Mphil/PhD students to be registered with the 2014-15 quota
HKU SPACE Research Fund 2014-2015 $28,000
LSP Transforming PBL and Clinical Education Curricula through the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) Platform TDG 2014-2015 312,640
LSP Neural correlates and cognitive capability associated with individual variations in tone perception and production in Cantonese - An event-related potential (ERP) study Small Project Fund 2014-2015 71,650
AW Norming of an Oral Language Assessment Scale for Preschool Children in Hong Kong (Phase II) Outside grant - PLAS 2014-2015 441,321.00
BM Speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children with middle ear disorder
Small Project Fund 2014-2015 68,303.00
S Tong Linguistic and non-linguistic Pitch Perception and Working Memory in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children Small Project Fund 2014-2015 47,900.00
S Tong Cross-linguistic Investigation of Interactions between Cantonese Lexical Tone and English Lexical Stress in Chinese-English Bilinguals Outside Grant - SCNU 2014-2015 $187,670
(eqt RMB150,000) 
Cherry Yam Effects of Proficiency in Sublexical and Lexical Processing of Chinese as a Second Language Small Project Fund 2014-2015 52,387
Loan Predictors of implicit and explicit grammar learning Small Project Fund 2014-2015 $23,164
KC Impact of intensity-modulated radiotherapy on head and neck cancer survivors' long-term swallowing functions  Small Project Fund 2014-2016 59,900.00
SIF Neuronal Oscillatory Dynamics of Word Reading Small Project Fund 2014-2016 71800
Felix Chen Developing a smart-phone based auditory training program to maximize the benefits for cochlear implant patients Small Project Fund 2014-2016 80,000
LW Chinese Speech Perception in Normal Hearing as well as Hearing Impaired People Donation - Eligible for UGC Matching Grant (excl Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme) 2014-2018 $518,368.62






LN Examination of articulatory problems associated with esophageal and tracheoesophageal speakers of Cantonese after total laryngectomy FRF  2013 29,590
BM Hearing screening for school children: Utility of noise-cancelling headphones FRF  2013 14,500
LSP A Psycholinguistic study of tone merging in Hong Kong Cantonese FRF  2013-2014 30,000
LSP GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Award 2013-2014 10,000
CT Pitch Perception in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Speaking a Tone Language Small Project Fund 2013-2014 80000
LW Mandarin tone perception by native English speakers  Small Project Fund 2013-2014 50,500
LW GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Grants 2013-2014 $10,000
LW Enhancing Student Learning in Problem-based-learning and Clinical Education Curriculum Based on HKUSLEQ Findings TDG 2013-2014 355,011
AW Provision of Supporting Services for the Validation of an Oral Language Assessment Scale for Preschool Children in Hong Kong PLAS 2013-2014 710,761.60
AW GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Award 2013-2014 10000
EM GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Awards 2013-2014 $10,000
BM GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Awards 2013-2014 10000
S Tong & Dr Kate Cain (UK) Language-Specific and Language-General Influences on Reading
Comprehension Development: Comparisons between an Alphabetic and Morphographic Script
ESRC/RGC 2013-2014 HK$348,692
S Tong Which cues matter?  The role of positional, phonetic and semantic cues in invented character learning among HK Chinese children FRF  2013-2014 20000
S Tong GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) GRF/ECS Incentive Awards 2013-2014 10000
BW Treatment of aphasia using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A randomised control trial with Cantonese speakers Small Project Fund 2013-2014 110700
Elizabeth Barrett Whole body vibration on p honatory function at different vibratory frequenceis and intensities: A study of normal subjects and a treatment program for dysphonic patients FRF  2013-2014 $56,650
S Tong Linguistic pitch perception in Cantonese-English bilinguals: Cross-level and cross-language interactions Small Project Fund 2013-2015 84100
SIF Logographme processing in Chinese visual word recognition: Behavioral and event-related potential measures GRF/ECS 2013-2015 790,875
KC Treatment of swallowing disorders following stroke using magnetic stimulation GRF-ECS 2013-2015 2,954,250
LN Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) 2011-12 Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) 2011-12 2012- 20000
S Tong Cross-language perception of lexical tones and lexical stress in Hong Kong bilingual children FRF  2012 $30,000
LSP An investigation of neural representations of distinctive linguistic features of Chinese using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping GRF 2012 400000
LN Developing an advanced system for forensic voice comparison in Cantonese Small Project Fund 2012-2013 89,908
LW Development of a Mandarin tone identification test FRF  2012-2013 $29,075
LW Age-related changes in the auditory procesing function and auditory neuroplasticity GRF Incentive Award 2012-2013 20000
EM GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (12-13)  GRF/ECS Incentive Awards 2012-2013 $20,000
EM Bacterial and inflammatory attributes for voice disorders in adult females Small Project Fund 2012-2013 $36,763
BM Faculty Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2011/12 Faculty Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2011/12 2012-2013 10,000
KC The use of magnetic stimulation to treat post-stroke dysphagia: a pilot-study Seed Grant 2012-2013 120,000
SIF/CT Reading ability in children with hyperlexia: Insights for models of chinese word recognition FRF  2012-2013 30,000
Felix Chen Development of novel speech processing strategies for combined electrical-accoustical hearing Outside grant (Non-UGC fund) 2012-2013 $100,568
EY High-speed imaging of vocal fold vibration patterns in vocally fatigued teachers GRF 2012-2014 708,150
LN Development of a comprehensive assessment tool for different types of alaryngeal speech of Cantonese GRF 2012-2014 570000
LN Perceptual and Acoustic Characterization of Hong Kong English Pronunciation Errors, Deviations and Accent of Primary School (P.5 & P.6) Students (EDB/QEF/2010/0235) QEF 2012-2014 1,377,200
CT Faculty Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2012 Faculty Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2012 2012-2014 20,000
CT GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (12-13) 
GRF Incentive Award 2012-2014 20,000
BM Wideband reflectance tympanometric norms for Caucasian and Chinese adults: a multicentre study Seed Grant 2012-2014 95,500
S Tong HKU SPACE Research Fund (2012-2013) HKU SPACE Research Fund 2012-2014 54400
S Tong Cross-language perception of Cantonese lexical tone and English lexical stress in bilingual speakers Seed Grant 2012-2014 $119,965
BW Bilingualism and Dementia Seed Grant 2012-2014 $72,300
BW Learning Expert Words GRF 2012-2014 379,700
Felix Chen Improve speech understanding in noise for Cantonese-speaking cochlear implant patients: Intelligibility prediction and targeted auditory training Small Project Fund 2012-2014 120,000
Felix Chen Effects of spectral-resolution and dynamic-range mismatches on the binaural benefits in simulated bilateral electric hearing FRF  2012-2014 30,000
May Wong, KC, Thomas Murry,
Bernard Kong
Ageing in place: Safe swallowing in the frail elderly living in the community
PPR (Public Policy Research) 2012-2015 $745,631
EM Faculty of Education - Teaching Development Fund - Faculty -based Learning and Teaching Development Activities Faculty - TDG 2011- $22,550
AW (Team award) Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) (2011-12) SHS-Team award Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) (2011-12) SHS-Team award 2011- 40000
BM Mandarin dichotic Digit Test: Normative findings for Mandarin-speaking young adults FRF  2011 $10,487
KC Facilitating safe swallow in nursing home residents: Carers knowledge in swallowing management FRF  2011 $25,545
EY Prevalence, impact and management of swallowing problems in nursing homes Small Project Fund 2011-2012 $80,590
EY Promotingproper voice use in classroom teaching using iPhone/iPad (iOS) and Android Apps Faculty - KE Fund  2011-2012 $56,800
LSP Dissociation between tone perception and production in Cantonese – Behavioral and event-related potential measures Small Project Fund 2011-2012 71,604
LNVocal characteristics and Tone Production by Patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis after Injection Thyroplasty Seed Grant 2011-2012 63,236
CT Is prenatal mental health problem a risk factor of language impairment of the offspring? Small Project Fund 2011-2012 67,590
LW Effect of age on cortical encoding of speech in noise FRF  2011-2012 $30,000
AW Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme 2011-2012 39000
EM Effects of errorless learning on velopharyngeal control: Implications for the treatment of resonance disorder Small Project Fund 2011-2012 $60,780
BM Curriculum reform in audiology: Review and reflection Faculty of Education - TDG 2011-2012 6,080
BW GRF Incentive Awards 2011-12  GRF Incentive Award 2011-2012 $21,000
BW Investigating Progressive Aphasia in Chinese FRF  2011-2012 $30,000
SIF The role of attentional shift in language processing and reading disorders in Chinese FRF  2011-2012 30,000
SIF Spatial Specification in Orthographic Representation of Radicals in Chinese Characters: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Measures
Seed Grant 2011-2012 80,000
Felix Chen Effects of auditory training on speech understanding in noise for Cantonse-speaking cochlear implant users FRF  2011-2012 $30,000
LN Voice performance in tonal language speakers with glottal insufficiency due to unilateral vocal fold paralysis after injection laryngoplasty - A multidimensional study of Cantonese patients HHSRF 2011-2013 504,175
CT Evaluating Treatment Efficacy of Two Syntactic Treatment Procedures for Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI): A Randomized Controlled Trial     GRF 2011-2013 894000
AW The connections between specific language impairment and reading disabilities in Cantonese-Chinese children     GRF 2011-2013 292,650
EM Development and validation of a voice assessment protocol for Cantonese children GRF 2011-2013 $852,742
S Tong Becoming biliterate in English and Chinese: What is the role of higher level phonological processing? Spencer 2011-2013 US$55000
S Tong The Myth of Learning to Read Chinese Characters: Phonetic, Semantics and Orthographic Strategies used by Chinese as Foreign Language Learners FRF  2011-2013 30000
BM Chinese infants with cleft lip/palate: Evaluation of a hearing health protocol
Seed Grant 2011-2014 58,120
BW Research package for Prof Weekes Faculty - Research Start-up fund 2010- 3,000,000
LSP GRF Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (10-11) GRF Incentive Award 2010-2011 25,000
LN Development of an Online Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Environment TDG 2010-2011 $259,837
LN Developing a comprehensive assessment tool for evaluating speech performance of different types of alaryngeal speech of Cantonese GRF Incentive Award 2010-2011 $25,000
LN A kinematic study of English vowels produced by Cantonese ESL speakers
Small Project Fund 2010-2011 40,000
CT Faculty Early Career Research Output Award 2010 Faculty Early Career Research Output Award 2010 2010-2011 10,000
EM Voice motor learning in children Small Project Fund 2010-2011 $61,000
EY Faculty Outstanding  Researcher Award 2010
Faculty Outstanding  Researcher Award 2010 2010-2011 $10,000
BW Identifying Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) in Chinese speakers Small Project Fund 2010-2011 $120,000
BM,LW, CMW(Chicago) Neuroplasticity of the auditory system in older adults Small Project Fund 2010-2012 $100,000
LN TrueVoice: The Next Generation Electronic Artificial Voice Box for Laryngeal Cancer Survivors
CIT (Commissioner for Innovation and Technology) 2010-2012 $990,516
EY Effectiveness of laser acupuncture for treating vocal fold pathologies GRF 2010-2013 $1,000,000
LW Language development in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired Mandarin-speaking children and its longitudinal relationship with speech perception and production GRF 2010-2013 1183640
LSP,A Kong, A Lee Toward a multi-modal and multi-level analysis of Chinese aphasic discourse Outside grant - NIH 2010-2015 US$410,000
S Tong Faculty of Education - Teaching Development Fund - Faculty -based Learning and Teaching Development Activities Faculty - TDG 2009- 25000
CT Matching Fund to PGS using a Type B RPg place for the purpose of admission of a newly registered full-time Mphil/PhD student ($26,200 per year) HKU SPACE Research Fund 2009- 26,200
LSP Executive inhibitory control across the adult life-span Small Project Fund 2009 $65,154
EM Frequency and risk factors for voice problems in children Seed Fund 2009-2010 $70,000
CT Effect of Using Putonghua as the Medium of Instruction on Specific Language Impaired Children with Cantonese as the mother tongue in Hong Kong Small Project Fund 2009-2010 111,472
LN An acoustic study of the error pattern associated with English words produced by Cantonese ESL speakers FRF

2009-2010 $19,000
LN Quantification of accent in English sounds produced by Cantonese speakers  Small Project Fund 2009-2010 $60,000
LSP GRF Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (09-10) GRF Incentive Award 2009-2010 $30,000
LSP Development of a multi-dimensional quantitative analysis of aphasic connected speech: A pilot  Small Project Fund 2009-2010 $71,226
SIF Electrophysiological correlates of orthographic facilitation in Cantonese picture naming FRF  2009-2010 $19,991
LSP Processing Chinese nouns and verbs: A behavioral and fMRI study
GRF 2009-2011 1,115,498
LW Satisfaction with amplification: eidting of a paper and a book
FRF  2009-2011 $19,885
BM Assessment of sound localization ability in normal hearing adults FRF  2009-2011 $20,000
BM, L Ma, TW Auditory processing disorders in children with cleft lip/palate
GRF 2009-2013 725,151
CT Assessing Theory of Mind (ToM) in Chinese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders GRF 2009-2013 780,810
EY,KC Prospective Study on Prevention and Treatment of Voice Problems in Teachers  NIH 2009-2014 US$432,436


Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
7th & 8th Floor, Meng Wah Complex, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2859 0599 / (852) 2859 0595, Fax: (852) 2559 0060
Speech and Hearing Clinic
1/F Kennedy Town Centre, 23 Belcher's St., Kennedy Town. Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 3920 2789, Fax: (852) 2559 0060

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