Investigator |
Research Project Name |
Grant Name |
Project period |
Budget |
2015 |
The role of similarities between L1 and L2 with respect to written word form and orthography-phonology correspondence in L2 visual word processing |
2015-2016 |
630,714 |
Capturing the heterogeneity of developmental dyslexia in Chinese through behavioural profiles and event-related potentials (ERP) measures |
2015-2016 |
1,102,748 |
CT |
Investigating Prognosis and Risk Factors of Speech Sound Disorder: A Natural History Study using A Survival Analysis approach |
2015-2017 |
710,002 |
S Tong |
Becoming a skilled comprehender in both Chinese and English: Prosodic sensitivity and working memory in bilingual children’s reading comprehension development |
2015-2017 |
948091 |
2014 |
LW |
A pilot study on the effects of hearing aid use on cognitive function in older adults with hearing impairment |
2014 |
20,000 |
EY |
Professor Shirley Grundy Memorial Fund |
Professor Shirley Grundy Memorial Fund |
2014- |
$25,000 |
Acoustic cues for Cantonese tone perception |
2014-2015 |
$30,000 |
HKU SPACE Research Fund
Mphil/PhD students to be registered with the 2014-15 quota |
HKU SPACE Research Fund |
2014-2015 |
$28,000 |
Transforming PBL and Clinical Education Curricula through the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) Platform |
2014-2015 |
312,640 |
Neural correlates and cognitive capability associated with individual variations in tone perception and production in Cantonese - An event-related potential (ERP) study |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2015 |
71,650 |
AW |
Norming of an Oral Language Assessment Scale for Preschool Children in Hong Kong (Phase II) |
Outside grant - PLAS |
2014-2015 |
441,321.00 |
BM |
Speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children with middle ear disorder
Small Project Fund |
2014-2015 |
68,303.00 |
S Tong |
Linguistic and non-linguistic Pitch Perception and Working Memory in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2015 |
47,900.00 |
S Tong |
Cross-linguistic Investigation of Interactions between Cantonese Lexical Tone and English Lexical Stress in Chinese-English Bilinguals |
Outside Grant - SCNU |
2014-2015 |
(eqt RMB150,000) |
Cherry Yam |
Effects of Proficiency in Sublexical and Lexical Processing of Chinese as a Second Language |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2015 |
52,387 |
Loan |
Predictors of implicit and explicit grammar learning |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2015 |
$23,164 |
KC |
Impact of intensity-modulated radiotherapy on head and neck cancer survivors' long-term swallowing functions |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2016 |
59,900.00 |
Neuronal Oscillatory Dynamics of Word Reading |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2016 |
71800 |
Felix Chen |
Developing a smart-phone based auditory training program to maximize the benefits for cochlear implant patients |
Small Project Fund |
2014-2016 |
80,000 |
LW |
Chinese Speech Perception in Normal Hearing as well as Hearing Impaired People |
Donation - Eligible for UGC Matching Grant (excl Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme) |
2014-2018 |
$518,368.62 |
2013 |
LN |
Examination of articulatory problems associated with esophageal and tracheoesophageal speakers of Cantonese after total laryngectomy |
2013 |
29,590 |
BM |
Hearing screening for school children: Utility of noise-cancelling headphones |
2013 |
14,500 |
A Psycholinguistic study of tone merging in Hong Kong Cantonese |
2013-2014 |
30,000 |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Award |
2013-2014 |
10,000 |
CT |
Pitch Perception in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Speaking a Tone Language |
Small Project Fund |
2013-2014 |
80000 |
LW |
Mandarin tone perception by native English speakers |
Small Project Fund |
2013-2014 |
50,500 |
LW |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Grants |
2013-2014 |
$10,000 |
LW |
Enhancing Student Learning in Problem-based-learning and Clinical Education Curriculum Based on HKUSLEQ Findings |
2013-2014 |
355,011 |
AW |
Provision of Supporting Services for the Validation of an Oral Language Assessment Scale for Preschool Children in Hong Kong |
2013-2014 |
710,761.60 |
AW |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Award |
2013-2014 |
10000 |
EM |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards |
2013-2014 |
$10,000 |
BM |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards |
2013-2014 |
10000 |
S Tong & Dr Kate Cain (UK) |
Language-Specific and Language-General Influences on Reading
Comprehension Development: Comparisons between an Alphabetic and Morphographic Script |
2013-2014 |
HK$348,692 |
S Tong |
Which cues matter? The role of positional, phonetic and semantic cues in invented character learning among HK Chinese children |
2013-2014 |
20000 |
S Tong |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (13-14) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards |
2013-2014 |
10000 |
BW |
Treatment of aphasia using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A randomised control trial with Cantonese speakers |
Small Project Fund |
2013-2014 |
110700 |
Elizabeth Barrett |
Whole body vibration on p honatory function at different vibratory frequenceis and intensities: A study of normal subjects and a treatment program for dysphonic patients |
2013-2014 |
$56,650 |
S Tong |
Linguistic pitch perception in Cantonese-English bilinguals: Cross-level and cross-language interactions |
Small Project Fund |
2013-2015 |
84100 |
Logographme processing in Chinese visual word recognition: Behavioral and event-related potential measures |
2013-2015 |
790,875 |
KC |
Treatment of swallowing disorders following stroke using magnetic stimulation |
2013-2015 |
2,954,250 |
2012 |
LN |
Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) 2011-12 |
Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) 2011-12 |
2012- |
20000 |
S Tong |
Cross-language perception of lexical tones and lexical stress in Hong Kong bilingual children |
2012 |
$30,000 |
An investigation of neural representations of distinctive linguistic features of Chinese using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping |
2012 |
400000 |
LN |
Developing an advanced system for forensic voice comparison in Cantonese |
Small Project Fund |
2012-2013 |
89,908 |
LW |
Development of a Mandarin tone identification test |
2012-2013 |
$29,075 |
LW |
Age-related changes in the auditory procesing function and auditory neuroplasticity |
GRF Incentive Award |
2012-2013 |
20000 |
EM |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (12-13) |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards |
2012-2013 |
$20,000 |
EM |
Bacterial and inflammatory attributes for voice disorders in adult females |
Small Project Fund |
2012-2013 |
$36,763 |
BM |
Faculty Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2011/12 |
Faculty Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2011/12 |
2012-2013 |
10,000 |
KC |
The use of magnetic stimulation to treat post-stroke dysphagia: a pilot-study |
Seed Grant |
2012-2013 |
120,000 |
Reading ability in children with hyperlexia: Insights for models of chinese word recognition |
2012-2013 |
30,000 |
Felix Chen |
Development of novel speech processing strategies for combined electrical-accoustical hearing |
Outside grant (Non-UGC fund) |
2012-2013 |
$100,568 |
EY |
High-speed imaging of vocal fold vibration patterns in vocally fatigued teachers |
2012-2014 |
708,150 |
LN |
Development of a comprehensive assessment tool for different types of alaryngeal speech of Cantonese |
2012-2014 |
570000 |
LN |
Perceptual and Acoustic Characterization of Hong Kong English Pronunciation Errors, Deviations and Accent of Primary School (P.5 & P.6) Students (EDB/QEF/2010/0235) |
2012-2014 |
1,377,200 |
CT |
Faculty Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2012 |
Faculty Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2012 |
2012-2014 |
20,000 |
CT |
GRF/ECS Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (12-13)
GRF Incentive Award |
2012-2014 |
20,000 |
BM |
Wideband reflectance tympanometric norms for Caucasian and Chinese adults: a multicentre study |
Seed Grant |
2012-2014 |
95,500 |
S Tong |
HKU SPACE Research Fund (2012-2013) |
HKU SPACE Research Fund |
2012-2014 |
54400 |
S Tong |
Cross-language perception of Cantonese lexical tone and English lexical stress in bilingual speakers |
Seed Grant |
2012-2014 |
$119,965 |
BW |
Bilingualism and Dementia |
Seed Grant |
2012-2014 |
$72,300 |
BW |
Learning Expert Words |
2012-2014 |
379,700 |
Felix Chen |
Improve speech understanding in noise for Cantonese-speaking cochlear implant patients: Intelligibility prediction and targeted auditory training |
Small Project Fund |
2012-2014 |
120,000 |
Felix Chen |
Effects of spectral-resolution and dynamic-range mismatches on the binaural benefits in simulated bilateral electric hearing |
2012-2014 |
30,000 |
May Wong, KC, Thomas Murry,
Bernard Kong |
Ageing in place: Safe swallowing in the frail elderly living in the community
促進在家安老政策院舍及家中體弱長者之安全吞嚥研究 |
PPR (Public Policy Research) |
2012-2015 |
$745,631 |
2011 |
EM |
Faculty of Education - Teaching Development Fund - Faculty -based Learning and Teaching Development Activities |
Faculty - TDG |
2011- |
$22,550 |
AW (Team award) |
Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) (2011-12) SHS-Team award |
Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA) (2011-12) SHS-Team award |
2011- |
40000 |
BM |
Mandarin dichotic Digit Test: Normative findings for Mandarin-speaking young adults |
2011 |
$10,487 |
KC |
Facilitating safe swallow in nursing home residents: Carers knowledge in swallowing management |
2011 |
$25,545 |
EY |
Prevalence, impact and management of swallowing problems in nursing homes |
Small Project Fund |
2011-2012 |
$80,590 |
EY |
Promotingproper voice use in classroom teaching using iPhone/iPad (iOS) and Android Apps |
Faculty - KE Fund |
2011-2012 |
$56,800 |
Dissociation between tone perception and production in Cantonese – Behavioral and event-related potential measures |
Small Project Fund |
2011-2012 |
71,604 |
LN |
Vocal characteristics and Tone Production by Patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis after Injection Thyroplasty |
Seed Grant |
2011-2012 |
63,236 |
CT |
Is prenatal mental health problem a risk factor of language impairment of the offspring? |
Small Project Fund |
2011-2012 |
67,590 |
LW |
Effect of age on cortical encoding of speech in noise |
2011-2012 |
$30,000 |
AW |
Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme |
Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme |
2011-2012 |
39000 |
EM |
Effects of errorless learning on velopharyngeal control: Implications for the treatment of resonance disorder |
Small Project Fund |
2011-2012 |
$60,780 |
BM |
Curriculum reform in audiology: Review and reflection |
Faculty of Education - TDG |
2011-2012 |
6,080 |
BW |
GRF Incentive Awards 2011-12 |
GRF Incentive Award |
2011-2012 |
$21,000 |
BW |
Investigating Progressive Aphasia in Chinese |
2011-2012 |
$30,000 |
The role of attentional shift in language processing and reading disorders in Chinese |
2011-2012 |
30,000 |
Spatial Specification in Orthographic Representation of Radicals in Chinese Characters: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Measures
Seed Grant |
2011-2012 |
80,000 |
Felix Chen |
Effects of auditory training on speech understanding in noise for Cantonse-speaking cochlear implant users |
2011-2012 |
$30,000 |
LN |
Voice performance in tonal language speakers with glottal insufficiency due to unilateral vocal fold paralysis after injection laryngoplasty - A multidimensional study of Cantonese patients |
2011-2013 |
504,175 |
CT |
Evaluating Treatment Efficacy of Two Syntactic Treatment Procedures for Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI): A Randomized Controlled Trial |
2011-2013 |
894000 |
AW |
The connections between specific language impairment and reading disabilities in Cantonese-Chinese children |
2011-2013 |
292,650 |
EM |
Development and validation of a voice assessment protocol for Cantonese children |
2011-2013 |
S Tong |
Becoming biliterate in English and Chinese: What is the role of higher level phonological processing? |
Spencer |
2011-2013 |
S Tong |
The Myth of Learning to Read Chinese Characters: Phonetic, Semantics and Orthographic Strategies used by Chinese as Foreign Language Learners |
2011-2013 |
30000 |
BM |
Chinese infants with cleft lip/palate: Evaluation of a hearing health protocol
Seed Grant |
2011-2014 |
58,120 |
2010 |
BW |
Research package for Prof Weekes |
Faculty - Research Start-up fund |
2010- |
3,000,000 |
GRF Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (10-11) |
GRF Incentive Award |
2010-2011 |
25,000 |
LN |
Development of an Online Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Environment |
2010-2011 |
$259,837 |
LN |
Developing a comprehensive assessment tool for evaluating speech performance of different types of alaryngeal speech of Cantonese |
GRF Incentive Award |
2010-2011 |
$25,000 |
LN |
A kinematic study of English vowels produced by Cantonese ESL speakers
Small Project Fund |
2010-2011 |
40,000 |
CT |
Faculty Early Career Research Output Award 2010 |
Faculty Early Career Research Output Award 2010 |
2010-2011 |
10,000 |
EM |
Voice motor learning in children |
Small Project Fund |
2010-2011 |
$61,000 |
EY |
Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2010
Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2010 |
2010-2011 |
$10,000 |
BW |
Identifying Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) in Chinese speakers |
Small Project Fund |
2010-2011 |
$120,000 |
BM,LW, CMW(Chicago) |
Neuroplasticity of the auditory system in older adults |
Small Project Fund |
2010-2012 |
$100,000 |
LN |
TrueVoice: The Next Generation Electronic Artificial Voice Box for Laryngeal Cancer Survivors
喉癌患者新一代的電子發聲器 |
CIT (Commissioner for Innovation and Technology) |
2010-2012 |
$990,516 |
EY |
Effectiveness of laser acupuncture for treating vocal fold pathologies |
2010-2013 |
$1,000,000 |
LW |
Language development in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired Mandarin-speaking children and its longitudinal relationship with speech perception and production |
2010-2013 |
LSP,A Kong, A Lee |
Toward a multi-modal and multi-level analysis of Chinese aphasic discourse |
Outside grant - NIH |
2010-2015 |
US$410,000 |
2009 |
S Tong |
Faculty of Education - Teaching Development Fund - Faculty -based Learning and Teaching Development Activities |
Faculty - TDG |
2009- |
25000 |
CT |
Matching Fund to PGS using a Type B RPg place for the purpose of admission of a newly registered full-time Mphil/PhD student ($26,200 per year) |
HKU SPACE Research Fund |
2009- |
26,200 |
Executive inhibitory control across the adult life-span |
Small Project Fund |
2009 |
$65,154 |
EM |
Frequency and risk factors for voice problems in children |
Seed Fund |
2009-2010 |
$70,000 |
CT |
Effect of Using Putonghua as the Medium of Instruction on Specific Language Impaired Children with Cantonese as the mother tongue in Hong Kong |
Small Project Fund |
2009-2010 |
111,472 |
LN |
An acoustic study of the error pattern associated with English words produced by Cantonese ESL speakers |
2009-2010 |
$19,000 |
LN |
Quantification of accent in English sounds produced by Cantonese speakers |
Small Project Fund |
2009-2010 |
$60,000 |
GRF Incentive Awards to Principal Investigator (09-10) |
GRF Incentive Award |
2009-2010 |
$30,000 |
Development of a multi-dimensional quantitative analysis of aphasic connected speech: A pilot |
Small Project Fund |
2009-2010 |
$71,226 |
Electrophysiological correlates of orthographic facilitation in Cantonese picture naming |
2009-2010 |
$19,991 |
Processing Chinese nouns and verbs: A behavioral and fMRI study
以行為及功能性磁力共震探討中文名詞及動詞的處理 |
2009-2011 |
1,115,498 |
LW |
Satisfaction with amplification: eidting of a paper and a book
2009-2011 |
$19,885 |
BM |
Assessment of sound localization ability in normal hearing adults |
2009-2011 |
$20,000 |
BM, L Ma, TW |
Auditory processing disorders in children with cleft lip/palate
唇裂/腭裂兒童的聽覺處理障礎 |
2009-2013 |
725,151 |
CT |
Assessing Theory of Mind (ToM) in Chinese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders |
2009-2013 |
780,810 |
Prospective Study on Prevention and Treatment of Voice Problems in Teachers |
2009-2014 |
US$432,436 |